Discovering politics, politicians . . . and truth

With a presidential election coming up in just a few weeks, politics and the election are probably foremost in the thoughts of many right now. There is an old saying (at least one I remember hearing my parents say), that goes like this: “Politicians make strange bedfellows.” As a child I had to give a lot of thought to that, trying to figure out what it meant.

Another saying I would hear (always from the adults around me), was this: “He (or she) speaks out of both sides of his/her mouth.” That could refer to almost anyone, but a lot of the time, it referenced a politician, or at least someone in the public eye.

Today, with our excellent technology and machines, both politics and politicians are right in our own backyard, so to speak. Understanding statements such as the two above is much easier than it was when I was a child. Today every word, every action of those in the public eye can be recorded and made known. This makes it easier to see . . . when someone says one thing at one time, and just the opposite later on . . . that he (or she) speaks out of both sides of his/her mouth.

All of this is to point to the need in our world today for truth. Especially truth in the political field. We need politicians who believe in truth, honesty, and integrity. As a child one of the first stories I heard in school, and have never forgotten, was about one of the first politicians here in America, George Washington, our first president. He is credited with saying, “I cannot tell a lie . . .” To my young ears, that was impressive. I saw the importance of truth—in the words of someone important.

But I dare say, our call to be truthful goes back even farther. Back to the Bible and the commandments given to us by God. Let us seek His truth.

Grace and peace to you,

Mary Emma


More on politics, politicians . . . and truth

